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Choose to Rejoice

Though the fig tree doesn’t bloom, and there’s no produce on the vine; though the olive crop withers, and the fields don’t provide food . . . I will rejoice in the Lord. I will rejoice in the God of my deliverance.

HABAKKUK 3:17-18 (CEB)

When I moved to Lucknow, I was longing for a good job and had many interviews. When I couldn’t find a job, I became so frustrated that I decided to give up and move back to my hometown. While I was packing my bags, I received a call from a renowned institution informing me of my selection for a position. Then I realized that many times in my life when everything seemed to be falling apart, I simply gave in to my adversities or refused to be led by God. But thankfully, God never left me alone.

Sometimes even when we are praying continuously, we still feel stuck in our problems. It is easy to assume God is not listening and to stop praying and reading our Bible. But that makes us more vulnerable to the chaos of life.

Instead of giving up, we can choose to rejoice, just like Habakkuk. God loves us too much to ever leave us alone. After all, God gave his Son for us. Jesus is the ultimate proof of God’s love and faithfulness. God is with us as our trusted companion and will never walk away or let us down.

Credit to The Upper Room

By Akanksha Singh (Uttar Pradesh, India)


Thank you, God, for the assurance that you are always with us. Help us to open our hearts to your loving presence. Amen.

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