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The jar of meal was not emptied, neither did the jug of oil fail.1

KINGS 17:16 (NRSV)

Our family often welcomes foster children into our home. Earlier this year, our case worker asked if we could host a five-year-old boy. He had cerebral palsy, a seizure disorder, and spoke a different language than our family. We have five other children, and life already felt busy. I told the case worker we would let her know soon — fully expecting to say no.

My Bible reading that day was the story of the widow of Zarephath. Because of a drought, she had only a handful of flour and a little bit of oil left when Elijah asked her for bread. It was difficult, but she gave him all she had. Then, God gave her a miracle — day after day, she used the flour and oil, and the supply did not run out.

As I read about the widow, I felt the Holy Spirit’s nudge to say yes to the placement request. It would be easier to say no; but if I did, I knew I would miss this chance to experience God’s provision.

We took this young boy into our home. At times it was difficult, but like the widow’s flour and oil, our time and love did not run out. As with the widow of Zarephath, God provided all we needed.

When God calls us, it is a blessing to say yes.


Generous God, help us to trust that you will provide all we need as we serve others. Amen.* * *

Credit to The Upper Room

By Kate Rietema (Michigan, USA)

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